yes, I’m fully aware that “OCAD” stands for “One Case a Day” but since I only send less than 1 case a month I figure I’ve built credit.
And no, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke.
This is a 40F with preeclampsia. Sent to me for consult, as vertebral bodies “look funny”. Patient has name that sounds Ethiopian or West African descent.
To me these are “fish verebrae” suggesting chronic endplate infarcts, and sclerosis in sternum likewise. Consider sickle cell, beta-thal, Gaucher disease, etc.But femoral heads are normal, spleen is normal. no major organ infarcts.
Also has giant aortic root typical of Marfan syndrome but patient doesn’t “look” Marfanoid. Liver looks big.
Consider some weird connective tissue disease? Can anyone tie all this together?
Let the sparring begin….
And no, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke.
This is a 40F with preeclampsia. Sent to me for consult, as vertebral bodies “look funny”. Patient has name that sounds Ethiopian or West African descent.
To me these are “fish verebrae” suggesting chronic endplate infarcts, and sclerosis in sternum likewise. Consider sickle cell, beta-thal, Gaucher disease, etc.But femoral heads are normal, spleen is normal. no major organ infarcts.
Also has giant aortic root typical of Marfan syndrome but patient doesn’t “look” Marfanoid. Liver looks big.
Consider some weird connective tissue disease? Can anyone tie all this together?
Let the sparring begin….
Andy Sonin