Re ? Ankle Plica

Thank you everyone for your responses.

I remember seeing a case like this posted a long time ago on OCAD but could
not find it, so thank you for your patience.

Most responders agree that the lesion is a post traumatic fibrous
band/synechia/blood clot. I have seen this before but never quite as large
as this one.

Dr Bill Breidahl kindly shared an article on this.

in <> ntra-articular fibrous band
of the ankle: an uncommon cause of post-traumatic ankle pain.

Slavotinek JP, Zadow S, Martin DK.Australas Radiol. 2006 Dec;50(6):591-3.
doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1673.2006.01639.x.

Have a great day

Kind regards



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