Popliteal mass

27 year old male presents with painless non-tender hard mass behind left knee medially.
Past history of Bakers cyst- excised 2 years previously.
On further digging, he presented at that time with a partially ruptured popliteal cyst.
External MR images attached. Non contrast. No plain film/CT.

Opinions please??
I think either synovial chondromatosis or organised haematoma in popliteal cyst remnant,

Rob Jones


1 thought on “Popliteal mass”

  1. OCAD

    Thanks all for feedback.

    Consensus PVNS with other suggestions:

    focal nodular synovitis
    extra abdominal desmoid
    giant cell tumour
    organising hematoma
    soft tissue sarcoma

    I guess I’ll push for a biopsy and will feed back when I get the results

    Thanks again,

    This forum is the best!!


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