Last Case Session Focus on Infection available on demand

Some of you have inquired after the last session.The video is now available on demand on our website at
It’s a free registration if you have not signed up for website access as yet.

You might notice that we now have a new sponsor.
Magnetica is working on a new prototype for a 3T extremity MRI.
The logo on the website has a clickable hyperlink to their site (or click the link above).
Check it out.

Some of you have met the Magnetic team at the recent SSR.
Antonio will be at ESSR….go say hi, tell them that Hilary from OCAD sent you.
They are supporting us and promise to be non-invasive.
They just want to know our opinions and make sure they get this right.
If you have worked with those units, I’m sure they would like your feedback on how you think they should improve on it.

There should be significant improvements over the 1.0 or 1.5T extremity MRIs that some of us have worked with.



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