1 thought on “Deltoid tumor”

  1. OCAD

    Dear all,

    thanks so much for all the responses. That helps a lot! Here for everyone the sum of the collected ideas:

    – Infection/infection. I have seen cysticercous also do this. In any case infection

    – I will recommend to biopsy this lesion to rule out a cancer

    – My first thought when the images came up was nodular fasciitis. The T1 penumbra also had me thinking possible abscess. I, personally, don’t think biopsy would be a bad idea though

    – I would say myositis ossificans, despite the lack of trauma. I would treat with NSAID and review the ultrasound at 4-6 weeks – if it is myositis, should see a clear halo of calcification. At this present us might be an incomplete ring of calcification…but it is not so clear. Maybe an XRay would help at this time!

    – I saw a minor trauma become a triceps abscess in someone with prostatitis. This looks mostly fascial and partly muscular.

    – Reminded me of acute phase of ossifying myositis

    – Bit of a long shot but how about cysticercosis?

    – Infection first in my list

    – I opt for an ossifying myositis, so I think it would be useful to have ultrasound monitoring at 6-8 weeks (when peripheral calcifications appear).

    Take care.


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