My primary question- is this finding in the right knee something special
(erosion of some kind..), and perhaps an auntminnie-case, or just ‘regular’
OCD in an unusual (?) location?
The finding in the left knee is probably OCD in the femur, but also
unusual location..
We are planning MRI of both knees next week.
12 y old boy, plays football (yes, soccer..)
Anterior knee pain for several years, mostly left side.
Normal MRI of both knees in 2019.
Finding in left knee in 2020 interpreted as Mb Sinding Larsen.
May 2022: regression of Sindings Larsen but still ant. knee pain, and
allready then some small changes in the anterior cartilage in the lateral
femur (unfortunately not detected).
Hopefully the upcoming MRI will give us some answers, but as said.. I am
curious of what this patellar finding is in the right knee, can you tell
just from the x ray?
And there probably is some connection between the findings in both knees,
so are both OCD perhaps..?
Kind regards, Kristian