1 thought on “wrist lesion”

  1. OCAD
    Thank you all for the help with this case! I got several opinions, which
    Partially thrombosed pseudoaneurysm (3 people)
    Chronic thrombophlebitis
    Thrombosed vessel
    Thrombosed ulnar vein, with ddx including nerve sheath tumor and artery
    could be Angiosarcoma or leiomyosarcoma— biopsy
    Masson tumor/ Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia

    I called the office, but the orthopedic surgeon was off this week so I
    spoke to the nurse. She reported that there was no known history of injury,
    just a palpable lump for the last two months. They had already ordered a
    CTA and referred the patient to vascular.


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