coccyx lesion

Hi All,
I’m attaching a case in powerpoint, would appreciate any input as to what this might be, what further workup is appropriate etc.
Thank you!


1 thought on “coccyx lesion”

  1. OCAD

    Hi All,

    Thank you very much for your replies. Most people felt that the findings could represent notochord remnants, and conservative follow-up was recommended.

    Please see below MR image of the pelvis from 12 years ago (unrelated to the current indication). The image is low-resolution, but the process does appear to be new since then. If truly new since 12 years ago, would notochord remnant/chordoma still be on the differential?

    Seven months ago, the patient had transrectal injection of botox to the levator ani, and 3 months later developed pus drainage 1 cm posterior to the anus. His surgeon told him that there was some complication during injection but was not specific. Could this process be related to that? Chronic inflammation/granuloma formation?

    Meanwhile a surgeon who specializes in sacral surgery has recommended resection and advised against imaging follow-up (fearing progression of possible chordoma).

    Thank you!

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