49M work injury 6 months ago complains of persistent neck pain, Cervical Spine MRI, Please Help

Prior MRI reported by neuroradiology colleague July 2022 as small disc
bulges without canal stenosis or foraminal encroachment.
I consulted about the posterior pseudomeningocoele at C2, which requires an
addendum, since it is unchanged from prior.
I’m asking about a round lucency with central sclerosis in the right
posterior elements of C2, on XR.
Faintly visible on MRI (white arrows) without marrow edema on STIR.
My neuroradiology colleague believes it is a large foramen for the
vertebral artery, but I don’t think that’s supported by the XR appearance.
I think it might be a chronic osteoid osteoma, without residual reactive
I was always taught that oo “burns out”, but have never seen that
documented in practice or in the literature—-have you?
What do you think this is? I presume it’s benign and incidental, so I am
not recommending CT.

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[image: 59M hx work injury (2).jpg]
[image: 59M hx work injury (3).jpg]


1 thought on “49M work injury 6 months ago complains of persistent neck pain, Cervical Spine MRI, Please Help”

  1. hilary.umans
    i think that it is a large foramen for the vertebral artery. because of
    the MRI appearance. i cannot exactly explain x ray appearance. maybe just
    20 Eylül 2022 Salı tarihinde saat 19:27:52 UTC+3 itibarıyla hilary umans
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