18 year old girl with a proximal tibial lesion

Dear colleagues,
Would appreciate your help on the case of this young lady with proximal
tibial pain and swelling of a few months’ duration.
I’m more inclined towards OSA, Ewing’s and perhaps infection, but will
really appreciate your opinions.

Dr. Mai Ebrahim Mattar


1 thought on “18 year old girl with a proximal tibial lesion”

  1. OCAD

    Hi Mai,

    Very inflammatory…
    What about osteoid osteoma ? of periostal type, so that sclerosis can be missing
    OSA is less likely because of the extensive bone edema
    Infection, of course, but in my view there are too much bone marrow
    changes for so little cortical involvement.

    Hope it helps, let us know how the story ends 🙂

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