Xray Pelvis_Pleas help

Dear OCADers,

what is the etiology of these calcifications apparently within the hamstring origins?

H: Pain at left ischial tuberosity


1 thought on “Xray Pelvis_Pleas help”

  1. OCAD

    Dear MSK-friends:

    7 answers so far:

    · I have seen this before. I think these are heterotopic ossifications of the hamstrings in the setting of chronic traction injury.

    · Looks like calcific tendinopathy. Much less likely consideration include heterotopic ossification (look calcified rather than ossified so don’t favour this) or tumoral calcinosis (not around a joint so don’t favour this).

    · Maybe gluteal calcifications, more usual, and not hamstrings? Maybe CT could be a good thing!

    · Looks like hydroxyappetite deposition (calcific tendinosis).

    · probably old avulsion or tear of the hamstrings….

    · Heterotopic ossification of hamstrings (old avulsion type injuries)

    · Those appear as dystrophic calcification in the soft tissue, benign.

    Thank you very much indeed.

    Best wishes

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