Vertical streaks across physes in a patient with bilateral knee OCD

One quick update for those who are interested:

Developmental stress change/variant – 3 votes

Osteopathia Striata / osteosclerosis – 3 votes

Other related comments: ACL looks abnormal, lateral femoral condyles look a bit small. Possible insult prior to epiphyseal ossification.

Thank you everyone,
Joseph Chang

On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 4:51 PM Joseph Chang <josephchang0> wrote:

Dear esteemed OCAD scholars,

I have a 10 year old boy with large lateral femoral condyle osteochondral lesions in bilateral knees. Interestingly, there are vertically oriented long linear streaks in bilateral distal femurs extending across the physes into the epiphyses at ACL origins, with some broadening/contour change of the adjacent intercondylar notch. There is less prominent continuation of this vertical streak near distal ACL insertion into bilateral proximal tibial epiphysis and metadiaphysis. The physes appear otherwise intact. I wonder if this is some sort of developmental variant or abnormality related to disturbed physis long ago. Have you seen this before or care to share your thoughts?

Thank you!
Joseph Chang
Scottish Rite for Children, Dallas, Texas


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