value of 3D- hasn’t been reported but fyi

My day is busy so keeping y’all interested

Evaluate 2Ds- fellow called acl partial tear and normal menisci

notice 3d recons individual frames

intact acl – no need to do separate 2d image angled- 3Ds show each individual bundle beautifully- posterola bundle also intact on other coronals- sending only one frame as they are thin
posterior root deg in both compts

What’s not reported yet is- but we see it all the time in our sports conf- indv slips of LM- the lateral one avulses 1st- like in this case- helpful sec signs- cyst, synovitis under lat slip best seen on 3d as 2d images are too blurry. Intact slip has arrow which crosses lat spine


Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. M.B.A.

Professor Radiology & Orthopedic Surgery

Chief, Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology

UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tx

5373 Harry Hines Blvd.

Dallas, Tx-75390-9178

Office: 214-648-2122<><>​


UT Southwestern

Medical Center

The future of medicine, today.


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