thoracic paraspinal lesions, please help!

BTW thank you Damon for guiding me in the correct direction, I owe you one!

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 10:05 AM Scott Staewen <staewen> wrote:

Two votes for schwannomas and one vote for perineural cysts. I brought the patient back for some additional sequences and iv gad — pure fluid intensity on all sequences (T1, PD fatsat, T2, STIR) and zero enhancement. I’m calling these perineural cysts. They are the furthest lateral perineural cysts that I’ve seen.

Thanks to all.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2023 at 1:57 PM Scott Staewen <staewen> wrote:

52 yo male patient with exquisite lower thoracic cva tenderness.

does anyone know what the paraspinal lesions at T6-7, T7-8, T8-9 and T9-10 are?

they look purely cystic to me but I’m bringing him back for iv gad.

location is unusual for most neurenteric cysts, too far lateral for meningocele or perineural cysts. possibly cystic schwannomas but they are so homogeneously cystic appearing.

I’m in a quandary and would really appreciate some help. not exactly an msk question I know but there are so many clever people on this list I thought I would throw this case out there.


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