1 thought on “Synovial cyst”

  1. OCAD
    Dear all,

    Thanks for the comment.
    Post Gad coronal image is included in the last slide and there is no enhancement.
    The axial images (SRIR and SPACE) show displacement of the nerve root and there is no encirclement as seen in perineural cyst.
    I will add one more SPACE coronal as well as post Gad coronal and axial images.



    Dear all,

    Thanks for the comment.
    Post Gad coronal image is included in the last slide and there is no enhancement.
    The axial images (SRIR and SPACE) show displacement of the nerve root and there is no encirclement as seen in perineural cyst.
    I will add one more SPACE coronal as well as post Gad coronal and axial images.



    Weird one for sure, you sure it is not a nerve sheath tumor?  Gad would resolve that issue.  I see facet cysts often but indeed this is a strange one.




    Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 10:04 AM


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    Dear all,


    Thought of sharing as this is not so common.





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