shoulder MRI, labral/ligamentous tear?


I wish you all the best in this new year that we have ahead. May all of you
be safe and healthy!
I need again you help with this cas:
Young male, 17y, basketball player, no known injuries (at least not a major
Persistent pain in the shoulder when he does internal roation and he tries
to touch the other shoulder.

1 .There is small BME on the humeral head that I cannot explain (maybe
capsular avulsion from humereal head HAGL?)The shoulder capsule is
thickeded, but I cannot see a breach
2. Medially to anterior labrum there is a structure that I cannot identify:
MGHL partially torn? Labrum tear – sort of ALPSA type?

I would really appreciate your opinion!
Thank you,


1 thought on “shoulder MRI, labral/ligamentous tear?”

  1. OCAD
    Thank you all for quick answers.

    Everybody agreed that MGHL is the structure I was concerned about, and that
    it is fine.
    No ALPSA or HAGL
    BME possible due to posterior dislocation (one opinion)
    Symptoms possibly related to ACJ – will check that, thank you!

    All the best!
    You are all a great help and inspiration for all radiologists!


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