Shoulder MRI 59F reports persistent pain 2-3 months after closing window Please Help

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I’m finding it difficult to reach a unified diagnosis.
I see tendinosis, changes consistent with adhesive capsultis, multifocal
muscle edema (more impressive on my PACs) most striking in the
posterolateral deltoid but also the T Minor, deep medial supraspinatus and
subscapularis (not shown), and the massive lymphadenopathy.
Could this be SIRVA (Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration)?
I haven’t seen this spectrum described….but it seems to make sense,
especially with the disproportionate deltoid edema.

I’ve left a message with the referrer to find out if / when she was
The clinic note didn’t mention it…..but it didn’t mention details of the
shoulder exam, and it was an orthopedic note!!!


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