2 thoughts on “Right ileopsoas muscle rupture”

  1. OCAD

    More importantly-

    Perform plexus imaging for right L4 neuropathy and femoral neuropathy – L4 nerve looks thick

    Quad is ok but that would be my concern and I have injected fem and L4 nerves for pain relief – with hylenex for scarring like this.

    fyi- I don’t see your email so just replying to the message


    Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. M.B.A.
    Professor, Radiology & Orthopedic Surgery
    Chief, Musculoskeletal Radiology
    Department of Radiology
    5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75390-9316
    Office: 214-648-2122


    This 26 year old male had 5 days of right lower abdominal pain going to groin. Surgical team wanted to rule out appendicitis so did this abdomen CT. US of testis was normal
    I know the quality of images are not that great but I hope I could get your opinion about the right ileopsoas muscle.

  2. Thanks for all your responses

    So the comments were:

    – iliopsoas atrophy; unclear cause.
    – possible polio – given asymmetric changes

    I had a look at patients’ online notes- he is booked for an MRI, I’ll share it once it is done. More info : No hx of polio but had right hip dislocation in childhood with surgical treatment; also under workup for clinically suspected Marfan Syndrome. So there is some background disease.

    Cheers and Thank you again.


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