Please Help, Peds MSK, Chronic Knee pain 13yr 8month Male, MRI

[image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain (1).jpg]
[image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain.jpg]
There is a complete discoid lateral meniscus without an obvious tear
The question is about the subchondral signal of the mid to posterior LFC.
It seems to extend a bit more anterior than the illustrated cases of normal
developmental irregularity of the LFC, but it does not extend to the IC
notch. There is mild adjacent BME, but no chondral defect or detached bone
I favor a normal variant, but am unsure, particularly as there is this BME,
which is more impressive in the Sag plane.
[image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain (2).jpg]
[image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain (3).jpg]


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