Hi folks, thanks everyone who answered. I appreciate your help.
There were some answers as following:
Fala Jair!
1 – Eu acho que é uma variação anatômica do tendão patelar… algumas
fibras ficaram pelo caminho.
A outra possibilidade seria um ligamento patelotibial medial mais baixo e
lateralizado. Esse geralmente não é o local certinho que ele insere na
tíbia…. era para ser mais proximal e medial, mas vai ver que esse daí não
leu o manual.
(arbitrary translation – I think it’s a patellar tendon variation. some
fibers just left on its way. Another would be a lower and more lateral
medial patellotibial ligament. This is usually not it´s insertion tibial
attachment site. It should be more proximal and medial, but maybe it hasn’t
readen the instructions.)
” one deep bundle demonstrating a more conventional patellar tendon course,
paralleled by a second anatomically-distinct superficial bundle of
differing morphology coursing anterolateral to the deep conventional bundle”
3 – Medial patellotibial ligament?
4 – JMUS Jair made-up slip (🙄)
5 – Likely an unusual configuration of the infrapatellar plica, or a new
yet to be named “accessory patella tendon of Jair”. (😁)
6 – It looks like part of the tendon as I’ve never seen a plica there. Hope
to learn something new from responses. P. S. Tiny edema focus in patella
may be related
Summarizing, mostly our colleagues’ thoughts are pointing to medial
patellotibial ligament. I´m linned to think that this is an unusual
patellar tendon fiber, out of place, as answer 1 from Rodrigo Aguiar. Any
other inputs are more than welcome.
There were some answers as following:
Fala Jair!
1 – Eu acho que é uma variação anatômica do tendão patelar… algumas
fibras ficaram pelo caminho.
A outra possibilidade seria um ligamento patelotibial medial mais baixo e
lateralizado. Esse geralmente não é o local certinho que ele insere na
tíbia…. era para ser mais proximal e medial, mas vai ver que esse daí não
leu o manual.
(arbitrary translation – I think it’s a patellar tendon variation. some
fibers just left on its way. Another would be a lower and more lateral
medial patellotibial ligament. This is usually not it´s insertion tibial
attachment site. It should be more proximal and medial, but maybe it hasn’t
readen the instructions.)
2- best guess is this
“Uncrossed double patellar tendon”
” one deep bundle demonstrating a more conventional patellar tendon course,
paralleled by a second anatomically-distinct superficial bundle of
differing morphology coursing anterolateral to the deep conventional bundle”
3 – Medial patellotibial ligament?
4 – JMUS Jair made-up slip (🙄)
5 – Likely an unusual configuration of the infrapatellar plica, or a new
yet to be named “accessory patella tendon of Jair”. (😁)
6 – It looks like part of the tendon as I’ve never seen a plica there. Hope
to learn something new from responses. P. S. Tiny edema focus in patella
may be related
Summarizing, mostly our colleagues’ thoughts are pointing to medial
patellotibial ligament. I´m linned to think that this is an unusual
patellar tendon fiber, out of place, as answer 1 from Rodrigo Aguiar. Any
other inputs are more than welcome.
Best, thanks,