Hi there everyone
This is a 30 year old female with serology consistent with RA and diffuse pain in her hands and feet.
Her right foot MRI shows thickening, partial lesion and increased contrast uptake at the proximal plantar fascia over some 3 cm, however not the marked enthesitis more often associated with RA.
In your experience, is this likely to be rheumatoid involvement, or some different pathology of the plantar fascia, e.g. mechanical, or plantar fibromatosis?
Thanks, and a good day to you all.
Hi there everyone,
by popular demand here are more scans of this plantar fascia case, attached as two PDF files. They show PD and contrast scans side by side, coronal and transverse scans respectively. Please select “single page view” in the options of your PDF viewer, in order to be able to “scroll” through the scans.
I’m unsure whether to report rheumatoid involvement (patient has known RA), or mechanical tear, or acute phase plantar fibromatosis.
What is your impression?