I think Giant notochordal rest should not enhance—-worth getting contrast.
as its black on t1
other way would be to do a CT and look for sclerosis, common in notochord
rests (Avneesh)
I would also consider a Chordoma in the differential. (Atul)
I like both hemangioma and notochord rest but per Avneesh CT axial on
those to look for the stipulated appearance or sclerosis with notochord
rests would help. To me despite the signal changes it has nonaggressive
characteristics (ie. No cortical destruction or appreciable soft tissue
components. (Damon)
I would favor incidental, benign hemangioma and confirm with a limited CT.
Em dom., 12 de jun. de 2022 às 15:18, Ciro Duarte <cirombd@gmail.com>
as its black on t1
other way would be to do a CT and look for sclerosis, common in notochord rests
Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. M.B.A.
Professor, Radiology & Orthopedic Surgery
Chief, Musculoskeletal Radiology
Department of Radiology
5323 Harry Hines, Blvd. Dallas, Tx-75390-9316
Office: 214-648-2122
Low back pain
S5 lesion
Atypical hemangioma?
Notochord rests?
What is your opinion?
See a similar case:
Answers below:
I think Giant notochordal rest should not enhance—-worth getting contrast.
as its black on t1
other way would be to do a CT and look for sclerosis, common in notochord
rests (Avneesh)
I would also consider a Chordoma in the differential. (Atul)
I like both hemangioma and notochord rest but per Avneesh CT axial on
those to look for the stipulated appearance or sclerosis with notochord
rests would help. To me despite the signal changes it has nonaggressive
characteristics (ie. No cortical destruction or appreciable soft tissue
components. (Damon)
I would favor incidental, benign hemangioma and confirm with a limited CT.
Em dom., 12 de jun. de 2022 às 15:18, Ciro Duarte <cirombd@gmail.com>