[OCAD] Knee MRI posterior soft tissue fluid along fascia

Hi there everyone,

frequently in trauma patients and/or patients with Baker cysts I see some
soft tissue fluid “bands” around the knee, posteriorly along the fasciae.
When these are contiguus to the Baker cyst I unsually interpret this as a
sign of cyst leakage or rupture. But what when there is no continuity (like
in this case – see attached images), or no Baker cyst at all? Soft tissue
/ fascia strain? Any ideas?

Thanks 🙂

Andrei Dumitrescu
Facharzt für Radiologie
www.xraydoc.de *·* www.xraydoc.eu


2 thoughts on “[OCAD] Knee MRI posterior soft tissue fluid along fascia”

  1. OCAD

    Interesting! I do the same questions…
    Sometimes I only describe the edema and the anatomic relationships!!!
    Waiting for comments from others OCADers.

  2. One theoretical explanation could be that pressure due the Baker-cyst may results in fluid collection in the overlying tissue. This can be observed on MRI if you press on a certain spot long enough, it will be picked up by signal changes in the tissue. Or it is just incidental.

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