OCAD: Elbow MRI – symptomatic plica?

Do you see ossification posteriorly on radiographs or T1W images? To me,
it looks like there has been injury /repetitive injury to the capsule
ligaments including the annular ligament. Whereas lateral epicondylitis is
associated with the “backhand”, improper forehand technique (hitting the
ball late and slightly behind the player in absence of full elbow
extension) can cause such an injury, especially when hitting a ball with
some speed on it which I will take the liberty of assuming in this case.
The resultant injury, capsular/ligamentous laxity may result in joint
instability. I wonder if there may be an element of chondral injury here.
I do think MR arthrogram would be quite helpful.

On Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 8:43:21 AM UTC-6 Andrei Dumitrescu wrote:

> Hi there,
> this is a 22 year old man who complains about elbow pain when playing
> tennis.
> I think I see a thickening and edema of the postero-lateral joint capsule,
> possibly with some minuscule calcifications or bleeding foci, although not
> quite like the “classic” plicae I have seen before.
> No other salient findings, also no convincing signs of a florid
> epicondylitis.
> What is your impression?
> Thanks,
> Andrei


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