MSK fellowship opening July 2023-June 2024

Dear OCAD members,

I hope everyone is doing well!

The Mayo Clinic Florida Musculoskeletal Imaging Fellowship did not have a successful match in June of last year. We have placed ads and although have had some leads over the past 8 months, no one has panned out so far. Just wanted to reach out to all of you to see if you know of anyone who is qualified and would be interested in a MSK fellowship, such as people that are currently in a non-MSK fellowship who are looking for a 2nd fellowship or a resident or prior radiology graduate from outside the United States looking for a fellowship, or a USA resident who can’t go to where they matched for MSK for whatever reason.

Please reply to me if you have someone in mind. I appreciate your time.

Warm Regards,

This is a 24F after reported recent patellar dislocation; prescription requested "measure TT-TG"

There are no bone contusions, no chondral defect, no MPFL injury that I can see.

TT-TG is in the increased / top normal reported range.

What is all this lateral parosteal ST swelling / edema-like signal?

There is patella alta and a shallow trochlea…so there is predisposition to patellar maltracking…but I don’t see the typical contusions and the MPFL seems uninjured.

I thought this is non specific parosteal fat edema….maybe related to recent dislocation / relocation….but I’m wondering if it might be something else?

What do you think?



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