mri spine – microfocal anomalies, any idea?

Hi, dear Ocaders,

This is a young woman with low back paine, no other particularity about her
clinical status
I see these strange spots, one of them with a ring-like aspect, barely seen
on STIR, no DWI restriction (althought seen on DWI)
There are multiple on all vertebrae
3 years ago none of those were present (mri non shonw here)
No history of cancer or haematological disease so far.
Any ideas please?

Thanks a lot,


[image: image.png]


1 thought on “mri spine – microfocal anomalies, any idea?”

  1. OCAD

    Hi Sorin-

    I would report normal bone marrow with some foci of normal bone marrow
    regeneration .

    The “bull’ eye sign” is present in the lager focus.

    While the T2W high-signal halo sign is also present here and there , some
    of them are high-signal in T1w .

    The posterior patchy T1w & T2w hypersignal of L3 is also to be considered
    as normal:

    Shah, Lubdha & Hanrahan, Christopher. (2011). MRI of Spinal Bone Marrow:
    Part 1, Techniques and Normal Age-Related Appearances. AJR. American
    journal of roentgenology. 197. 1298-308. 10.2214/AJR.11.7005.

    Thank you for sharing. Interested in others’ OCADesrs input.


    Le 1 nov. 2021 à 10:40, sorin ghiea <> a écrit :

    Hi, dear Ocaders,

    This is a young woman with low back paine, no other particularity about her
    clinical status
    I see these strange spots, one of them with a ring-like aspect, barely seen
    on STIR, no DWI restriction (althought seen on DWI)
    There are multiple on all vertebrae
    3 years ago none of those were present (mri non shonw here)
    No history of cancer or haematological disease so far.
    Any ideas please?

    Thanks a lot,


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