MRI of knee dislocations


Curious how others handle knee MRI requests for reduced traumatic knee dislocations. We see patients either in external fixators or knee immobilizers for MRI following this injury. These cases are infrequent enough that they cause angst for our technologists and radiologists when they come through. Our surgeons tend to use the Stryker Hoffman 3 external fixator device which is MRI-conditional and we have successfully scanned. We recently had a patient come through with a knee immobilizer with aluminum struts (Breg is the manufacturer) and we were unable to find information if this is MRI safe. The surgeons did not want this removed due to risk of redislocation. Have others safely and successfully scanned patients in a knee immobilizer or have any further information on this matter? I understand there may be differences between types of immobilizers. Has anyone had any safety issues scanning external fixators?

Thank you



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