Notice importance of multiparametric WB MRI
If you just did STIR- would be getting another MRI of shoulder or biopsying it
I am seeing more and more simple cysts in middle aged patients.
Li-fraumeni syndrome with p53 gene mutation and breast Ca. They are predisposed to extremity sarcomas and other cancers. Negative in this case- loses more than 50% signal on opposed phase also. ADC= 3.7
Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. M.B.A.
Professor Radiology & Orthopedic Surgery
Chief, Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tx
5373 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, Tx-75390-9178
Office: 214-648-2122
UT Southwestern
Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.