Knee MRI femoral cartilage variant

Hi OCADers,

Adult patient with mild OA.

Unusual morphology at the osteochondral layer of medial femoral condyle. I have seen this 1-2 before and interpreted as a variant. Does anyone know more about this? How does it develop (growth disturbance?), frequency, any relevance for developing OA etc. Any literature reference would also be appreciated. Thx.




2 thoughts on “Knee MRI femoral cartilage variant”

  1. Thank you to all who replied:

    Responses were:

    3 x chondral pseudo-defect (similar to patella dorsal defect).
    1 x similar to lateral femoral notch
    1x hereditary variant
    1 x analogous to hip (“stellate lesion”)
    1 x healed OCL in childhood

    Most believe this to be some sort of developmental variant.

    It’s not mentioned here or in any other publication I looked at but this is still good resources. Maybe I will name it myself, the ‘Jobke notch’ 😉.<…>


    Sent: 23 February 2021 11:21

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    Hi OCADers,

    Adult patient with mild OA.

    Unusual morphology at the osteochondral layer of medial femoral condyle. I have seen this 1-2 before and interpreted as a variant. Does anyone know more about this? How does it develop (growth disturbance?), frequency, any relevance for developing OA etc. Any literature reference would also be appreciated. Thx.



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