[image: Calf Amyotrophy 1.jpg]
[image: Calf Amyotrophy T2FS.jpg]
She has bilateral degenerative fraying and tearing of the anterior horn
Lateral menisci with DJD—so that explains her chronic pain.
My colleague noticed chronic bilateral fatty atrophy of the medial head
I was not aware of BFAD (benign focal amyotrophy disorders) or of, more
specifically, Calf Amyotrophy. It seems to be a diagnosis of exclusion,
with focal MHG atrophy more common in Miyoshi Myopathy (which I never heard
of)…which should start in younger individuals. In terms of
demographics, Calf Amyotrophy has been reported more frequently in men,
particularly from India—-this woman’s surname is Chinese—and that is
all I know about her. Reported cases are typically unilateral….so the
bilateral distribution in a woman would not be the “norm”—-though it is a
rare disorder, so I don’t know if that is meaningful.
I gather BFAD is a diagnosis of exclusion. This is obviously chronic.
How much of a work-up is warranted based on this incidental finding?