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Sometimes I feel like I must be the dumbest MSK radiologist in the world. I definitely seem to have more questions than most!But on some level, I hope that my willingness to ask the dumb questions is helpful for someone in the OCAD o sphere.
I‘m a fan of the Atlantic….just read this.
Maybe more people will feel empowered to jump in and engage with their own dumb questions.
You hear way too much from me.
Join in….we’ll all learn something, and hopefully have some fun in the process!

A Smart Question is a query designed to advertise the wisdom of the asker. The point may be to establish that the interviewer and interviewee are on equal intellectual footing. Sometimes, the question is designed to get the source to begin the answer with a brief compliment: “That’s a smart question!” or, on a good day, “That’s a really smart question!”

I used to think these kudos were a sign that my investigation was on the right track. I didn’t want to embarrass myself on the phone with a government official or an academic. And a part of me just wanted the conversations to go as pleasantly as possible.

But after many years of subscribing to the theory of Smart Questions, I’ve decided that I’ve been mostly wrong. Smart Questions are, typically, kind of dumb. And, just as typical, questions that might initially seem dumb or underinformed, or downright unintelligent, are the smartest way to learn stuff if you’re a journalist, an academic, or anybody else.


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