Inflamed Fat lobule or low grade Liposarc?

Hi All; A 41 YO male recently noticed this lump. No pain or trauma
reported. Inconclusive USG. Images acquired on 3T GE.

There is no skin dislocation. I thought of Inflamed Fat lobule or low grade

I would love to know your opinions and recommendations on this case.

Also, I noticed these bands of high signal on STIR (yellow arrow on coronal
STIR) which are not present on other images. Are these some known artefacts?

Thanks in advance for your time and opinion.



1 thought on “Inflamed Fat lobule or low grade Liposarc?”

  1. OCAD
    Fat necrosis.

    Thanks Avneesh for your prompt response. Also thanks to Eddie and Joel.

    As a breast imager I should know this but more often than not I forget this
    from the check list. I guess now it will stick:)


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