Help please: Strange spinal changes

Hi OCADers,

I have a case, together with Dr. Robinson from Australia, that might look like axial spondyloarthritis (ank spond) at first glance, but certain features do not fit.

22-year-old Caucasian male with no known history of psoriasis, experiencing stiffness of the spine and inflammatory back pain.

Please see all images here:

I don’t believe it is a case of axSpA, as the SIJs are normal. Slight signal increases near the joints on MRI water-sensitive changes are probably due to apophyses that are still non-fused.

Psoriatic spondyloarthritis or SAPHO/CNO? I’m not sure – especially as we know little about the skin.

There is severe kyphosis and defects of the endplates that resemble Schmorl’s nodes, which are compatible with Scheuermann’s kyphosis (Edgren-Vaino configuration). But I did never see ankylosis in Scheuermanns. Also, there is significant edema in the vertebrae, a feature sometimes seen in Scheuermann’s but, of course, more frequently in axSpA.

Calling all pediatric radiologists if they have another idea?!

Thank you!



1 thought on “Help please: Strange spinal changes”

  1. OCAD

    Excellent images.
    Features of axial inflammatory spondyloarthritis. Spine shows ankylosis with a mix of ankylosis, fat metaplasia and active inflammatory osteochondrosis.
    SI joints show active inflammatory sacroiliitis with inflammatory signal change within the joint itself. No florid osteitis.

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