Fwd: Thumb prox phalanyx

From Tudor Hughes and Andy Sonin. Thanks! I learn every day.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: “Hughes, Tudor” <thughes@health.ucsd.edu>
> Subject: RE: Thumb prox phalanyx
> Date: May 20, 2022 at 10:35:02 AM PDT
> To: “ptirmanmd@gmail.com” <ptirmanmd@gmail.com>
> Cone shaped epiphyses, can be syndromic, but usually not.
> Can’t remember the exact criteria, but I think more likely syndromic when involves PIPJ and DIPJ, rather than just all across one row.
> Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome is the classic association.
> Tudor

> Phil,
I believe this falls into the general category of “cone-shaped epiphyses”, but would defer to peds rads

radiopaedia.org/cases/coned-epiphysis-1?lang=us#:~:text=Coned%20epiphyses%20can%20be%20a,achondroplasia%2C%20acrodysostosis <radiopaedia.org/cases/coned-epiphysis-1?lang=us#:~:text=Coned%20epiphyses%20can%20be%20a,achondroplasia%2C%20acrodysostosis>



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