Femoral neck

Thanks for all the answer I received:

Most of the people who answered agreed, as it doesn’t seem to have any clinical relevence,

Some people mentionned a kind of distal cam, which could have clinical relevence in subspine impingment which is a form of extra-articulaire impingment due to an enlarged AIIS. It might be worth mentioning in selected cases.

Here is the paper: https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/full/10.1148/radiol.2019190581 (thank you Mohammad).

One person mentionned "at plica".



Dear fellow OCADers,

I often encounter these bony ridges anterior to the femoral neck, but can’t seem to find why they exist or if they have clinical relevance.

Tried the Keats aswell without success.

Should they be mentioned in an FAI? I don’t think so as they are not in continuity with the head nor do they increase the alpha angle..




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