Ever seen Medial Cam?

Seems symmetric, though this 30F complains only of 2 weeks Rt hip pain. I don’t think these would impinge on the labrum inferomedially…nobody is there.
I think there is also bilateral superior acetabular retroversion…maybe she has Pincer impingement?
[Rt Hip XR.JPG]

Hilary Umans


1 thought on “Ever seen Medial Cam?”

  1. OCAD

    It really seens she has a uncommom contour shape of the inferomedial femoral head-neck transition bilaterally.

    Does she practices any sport? Although she doesn’t have any other imaging features, both ischiofemoral and femoroacetabular impingement symptoms can be due to suprafisiologic movements in sports, ie: impingement symptoms with no morfostrutural changes on imaging exams. I’ve seen it in runners and kick related sports (specifically football and muay thai).

    Best regards.
    Marcelo Dalcin

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