Dont tell me that I didnt send subtle cases on MRN with NS-RADS

Another one with report for your learning as lots of folks want it

Post old acetabular fracture- right leg bucking and anterior pain- spine surgery versus nerve consideration- EMG with some bogus radiculopathy report as usual

Nerves Lumbosacral plexus: Size: Normal. Signal: Normal. Course: Normal.
Sciatic nerve: Size: Normal. Signal: Normal. Course: Normal.
Femoral nerves: Size: Normal. Signal: Normal. Course: Normal.
Obturator nerves: Size: Diffusely thickened on the right. A small neuroma in-continuity at the site of fracture, adherent to the adjacent fracture site. Signal: Increased signal on the right. Course: Mildly altered on right – stuck at fracture healing site.
Other specific nerves in question: Lateral femoral cutaneous nerves are normal.

Psoas major: Bulk: Normal. Intramuscular signal: Normal.
Piriformis: Bulk: Moderate atrophy on the right. Intramuscular signal: Normal.
Gluteal: Bulk: Normal. Intramuscular signal: Normal. Bilateral tendinopathy. Partial tear of the left gluteus medius lateral facet attachment
Hamstring tendons: Normal.
Adductors: Mild bilateral tendinopathy mild atrophy of the right obturator internus muscle.

Sciatic notches: Normal.
Marrow signal: Endplate edema at L4-L5 and L5-S1 level. Right supra-acetabular and medial column acetabular fracture deformity, healed

Lumbosacral spine: Scattered disc desiccation multiple levels. Reduced disc heights, especially at L2-L3, L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels.
Alignment: Normal
Spinal Canal: Developmental stenosis absent.
L1-L2: Central canal: Patent
Neural foramina: Right Normal Left Normal
L2-L3: Central canal: Mild disc bulge with minimal narrowing
Neural foramina: Right Normal Left Normal
L3-L4: Central canal: Patent
Neural foramina: Right Normal Left Normal
L4-L5: Central canal: Mild disc bulge. Minimal narrowing. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy.
Neural foramina: Right Normal Left Normal
L5-S1: Central canal: Mild disc bulge. Mild bilateral facet arthropathy.
Neural foramina: Right Normal Left Normal

Sacroiliac joints: mild degenerative arthritis . Subchondral edema on the right
Pubic symphysis: mild degenerative arthritis.

Vessels: Within normal limits

Masses: None

Other: Patulous left inguinal canal. Moderate amount of hydrocele of the right scrotal sac. Enlarged prostate with median lobe hypertrophy. Sacculations of the underdistended bladder wall.

Right obturator posttraumatic neuropathy with a small neuroma in-continuity at the site of the acetabular fracture. 3-D images enclosed
The remaining lumbar plexus is normal.
Stress-related endplate edema at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels

NS-RADS: Nerve: I4 – Injury Sunderland class 4, Muscle: MNOS – Nonspecific change, mild disuse atrophy of the right obturator internus muscle at the site of injury

Avneesh Chhabra, M.D. M.B.A.

Professor Radiology & Orthopedic Surgery

Chief, Division of Musculoskeletal Radiology

UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Tx

5373 Harry Hines Blvd.

Dallas, Tx-75390-9178

Office: 214-648-2122



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