1 thought on “Chondroid Lesion consult”

  1. hilary.umans

    I have received useful comments re the fibular lesion. They differ in the
    details, but generally agree it is non-aggressive. Very helpful.

    From Dr. Rob Lambert (Edmonton, Canada):
    3x volume over 13 years. Likely still benign. What you do depends on the
    patient and the surgeon. If it was my fibula, I would leave it.

    From Dr. David Hanff (Rotterdam, The Netherlands):
    It’s difficult. The question is do you also treat low grade chondrosarcomas
    (ACT/CS-1) or not? The differentation between enchondroma en ACT can be
    difficult but the lesion doesn’t have signs of a hige grade CS,(deep
    scalloping, perilesional edema, periostitis or cortical breach or soft
    tissue mass). That’s I think what’s most important. Also the lesion
    contains entrapped fat which favours low grade CS (Yoo et al Eur radiol
    2009). Both enchondroma and low grade chondrosarcoma can be treated with
    wait and see policy, well that’s how we do it in the Netherlands nowadays.

    From Dr. Anna Hirschmann (Basel, Switzerland):
    It looks benign. Seems to be cystic with an ossification, it reminds me of
    necrotic areas which may ossify over time.
    For a cartilage process I would expect a lobulated appearance with somewhat
    arcs and rings-likish, def no chondrosarc as there is no aggressive feature.
    Cysts may increase in size, what I assume in the case.


    On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 10:11 AM hilary umans <hilary.umans@gmail.com>


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