
Shoulder case

Sharing a nice case: Complete tear of subscapularis tendon and medial luxation of biceps tendon, due to rupture of its pulley and transverse ligament. Images attached: 1. Retracted torn Superior Glenohumeral Ligament 2. Medially displaced biceps tendon 3. Torn transverse ligament 4. Complete tear of subscapularis tendon Great review at: https://radsource.us/pathology-of-the-long-head-of-the-biceps-tendon/ Atul


Shoulder case Read More »

Case Session Returns Tomorrow: Focus on Sports Imaging Noon ET, Join Us!

OMG, WHAT A LINE-UP! Seriously….Linda Probyn, Diana Alfonso, Erin Alaia and Rodrigo Aguiar….I can’t wait! Join us if you can. Link das reuniões do MSK Case Presentation Series 2023 no zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87054010661?pwd=dGl5T0tsSEVTTkszQkdzU3hVN3JSUT09 ID da reunião: 870 5401 0661 Senha de acesso: MSK456 ***As always, if you can’t join us in real time, the session will


Case Session Returns Tomorrow: Focus on Sports Imaging Noon ET, Join Us! Read More »