
OCAD Iatrogenic joint capsule tear at arthrography?

Hi there everyone, many thanks for your numerous replies. I am posting some of them below for general edification (in some cases abridged): Capsular tears occur in the shoulder for a variety of reasons. I routinely inject 15ml into normal-sized people without evidence of capsular rupture (or symptoms), sometimes going to 20ml for the really […]


OCAD Iatrogenic joint capsule tear at arthrography? Read More »

Palmar lesion

Could it be palmaris longus hypertrophy? By Joel R Dear ocad Sorry earlier mail has error loading the images Here’s the sequences T1 pre and post contrast (first row) T2 axial (second row) Pdfs axial (third row) T1 coronal and axial (fourth row) Please kindly give your opinion of painless swelling for a month duration


Palmar lesion Read More »

Help with a case

Dear OCADers Atypical case I came across today. There is mild thickening and focal hyperintensity in the tibial component of the sciatic at the level of the greater sciatic notch. The pyriformis is seen splitting the sciatic nerve. I would have called it sciatic nerve entrapment but pyriformis is atrophic in this case. Wanted to


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Vertical streaks across physes in a patient with bilateral knee OCD

One quick update for those who are interested: Developmental stress change/variant – 3 votes Osteopathia Striata / osteosclerosis – 3 votes Other related comments: ACL looks abnormal, lateral femoral condyles look a bit small. Possible insult prior to epiphyseal ossification. Thank you everyone, Joseph Chang On Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 4:51 PM Joseph Chang


Vertical streaks across physes in a patient with bilateral knee OCD Read More »