C spine MR protocol advice

Hello smart radiologists,

I would love to hear if any of you have tips to decrease CSF flow artifact
on axial SE T2 cspine MRI.

I have attached some examples of different parameters in the same patient.
We did discover that the industry rep who installed the scanner set the
flow comp to be in the readout rather than slice direction, so changing
that was a big improvement. If any of you struggle with your CSF flow make
sure this is set to the correct direction!

I would still like to improve this more without adding to scan time.
Besides optimizing the vendor’s rephasing gradient, do you have any

I have read that shorter TE can help but changing that in isolation did not
provide as much benefit (attached shows TE 105 vs 48 vs 67). While that
single image the flow artifact with 67 TE looks better, flow artifact on
other slices looked better on the TE 105 and the image contrast is best
with that TE. The top right image attached is what we are currently using
(TE 105 with slice flow comp direction).
Thank you in advance!

Lauren Pringle


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