Athletic pubalgia

Reading this case today. I see osteitis pubis. There is mildly increased T2 signal extending inferolaterally from the pubic cleft, but not as high signal as I would normally expect for a secondary. Would love to know if people would call injuries to the rectus abdominis-adductor long aponeurosis or not. Thanks in advance! Kate Athletic


Athletic pubalgia Read More »

28M 10 years hip pain XR femoral head lesion and MRI, please help

Some were curious about the left hip MRI scout includes the left hip CAM morphology is bilateral, but there is nothing to suggest Legg Calve Perthes. There is no left femoral bone lesion. There is mild cartilage space narrowing on the right side only. On Mon, Jul 31, 2023 at 3:39 PM hilary umans <hilary.umans> wrote:


28M 10 years hip pain XR femoral head lesion and MRI, please help Read More »

47M professional dancer with shoulder pain XR and MRI, a question

Thanks to Jeff Lambert and Michael Setton who explained the obvious to me….the arm is so abducted, that I was measuring the interval between the greater tuberosity at a point lateral to / beyond the supraspinatus insertion…. so that has no relevance to tear or attenuation of the cuff. Doh! TGIF Hilary I am confused


47M professional dancer with shoulder pain XR and MRI, a question Read More »


thank you Consensus of replies is red marrow; do Dixon to prove Best, Frank ul 25, 2023 at 10:34 AM ‘frank crnkovich’ via OCAD MSK <ocad-msk> wrote: 63 y/0 male with knee pain, signal similar in both knees and involves epiphyseal areas, new since 2017. Mri lumbar spine 3 days ago show sno marrow abnormality. concerns?


thoughts Read More »

muscle vascular malformation, possible extension into the bone, CT+MRI

Dear Ocaders, I need your help again, complicated case Young man with a intramuscular/ paraoseous haemangioma (first biopsy, then embolisation), after 4-5 month since embolisation, the mass is again growing. Not the mass I am worried, probably it re-growth, but about what is inside the femur. Osteolitic lesion with ostecondensation inside and a lot a


muscle vascular malformation, possible extension into the bone, CT+MRI Read More »