Funny looking pubic symphysis, Please Help. 65F XR and CT

Thanks for the responses from: Rob Lambert: Yes – can be mechanical. As well as getting subchondral cysts, degenerative change in joints with a short thick capsule and limited range of motion may be associated with ganglion cysts arising from the joint capsule that erode bone around the perimeter of the "tight" joint. Classic examples


Funny looking pubic symphysis, Please Help. 65F XR and CT Read More »

what is your diagnosis in this NF1 patient? Ans

The answers varied from charcot-gout-amyloid- plexiform NF This is actually a diffuse NF. Chance of malignancy in these tumors is essentially zero. They are mostly of cosmetic-pain issues. Plexiform have possibly increased chance of malignancy- but not these.. See attached histology slide of this tumor- benign fibroneural tissue Here’s an article detailing different types of


what is your diagnosis in this NF1 patient? Ans Read More »

Volleyball player with scarred(?) capsule and subchondral changes

Dear friends! I received several interesting answers to my case! Thank you all! I guess both the capsular and the glenoid findings then suggest a reason for the pain. Have a lovely day! Best Roar Here are some of them: "Glenoid osteochondral lesion (OCD) plus severe chronic adhesive capsulitis" "While I can’t say that I


Volleyball player with scarred(?) capsule and subchondral changes Read More »

Your thoughts on this case. Sag T2 and Cor T2 fat sat images (movie). Thanks.

Joel, sorry I forgot to post the follow up on that quiz case. It is indeed the anteromedial meniscofemoral ligament, a variant in the knee, as many of you responded (including Drs Hilary, Kyung, Cantarelli, Peduto and Loupatatzis). The key here is to differentiate it from the infra-patellar plica. It can look similar to the


Your thoughts on this case. Sag T2 and Cor T2 fat sat images (movie). Thanks. Read More »