Knee and Leg 23M sports injury 8 weeks ago, MR and CT. Please Help

Tatiane shared these images from another article, too…I will report it as a healing fracture with probable adjacent post-traumatic cyst, and suggest MRI follow up after the fracture is healed, if they think it’s indicated, to look for resolved marrow edema. Images from this case: >>> Post-traumatic osseous cyst of the distal radius in a […]


Knee and Leg 23M sports injury 8 weeks ago, MR and CT. Please Help Read More »

Incidental finding Anterior Tibial Cortex 65M knee pain Please Help

He has arthritis and effusion The reporting radiologist recommended enhanced MRi to evaluate the non-aggressive incidental fibrous cortical defect (red arrow) The FCD looks like and FCD, but now I see this abnormal enhancing anterior intracortical signal I don’t understand (white arrow shows the faint intracortical lucency in the lateral XR) There is diffuse smooth


Incidental finding Anterior Tibial Cortex 65M knee pain Please Help Read More »