Fencing Injury
Anconeus seems to have partially avulsed…No x-rays yet unfortunately.Triceps strain as well. Anconeus.pdf
Anconeus seems to have partially avulsed…No x-rays yet unfortunately.Triceps strain as well. Anconeus.pdf
Bob Lopez just answered my question, he wrote: I think it’s mostly gout. I also think that I recollect that there can be mixed crystals disease in a large number of cases ( ie uric acid and calcium pyrophosphate crystals in same synovial fluid) One thing that I have been told in the ultrasound rheum
33M knee pain x 6 months CT and MRI Please help Read More »
I realize I didn’t attach the reference I found (now that Diego Lemos just shared it with me) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6925612/ They have a section focusing on AMRI….curiously, the reference that focuses on meniscal root tear only mention posterior Lateral meniscal root tear (in the title) The body of the discussion does not provide any details, just
63F 2 weeks after knee twisting injury with pop MRI, question about AMRI Read More »
Hi there !!! I followed this case I submitted earlier. The final pathological diagnosis was grade 2 chondrosarcoma. Kind regards. Andre Thanks to everyone who responded. The vast majority confirm chondral matrix lesion and the possibilities in order of preference were: 1- CMF – chondromyxoid fibroma. 2- Enchondroma. 3- Clear cell chondrosarcoma. I will follow
16M one week after American football injury, 8 months after ACL reconstruction There are posterior tibial contusions (not shown), an inferior patellar contusion, but no femoral contusion—even though I don’t see a fluid signal defect, the graft looks lax and I think the yellow arrow points to a tear at the mid-distal graft My question
Recurrent sports injury 16M 8 months after ACL graft MRI Thoughts? Read More »
She was reportedly imaged with CT and had a non diagnostic biopsy in 2020 at a major cancer centerThe MRI with and without contrast is from today The XR are screenshots sent by the referrer….I think they are recent We don’t have the prior outside CT It’s benign unilamellar periosteal new bone formation, but alot
55F more than 3 years pain Fibular Periostitis MRI Please Help Read More »
Tatiane Cantarelli came through quickly with an explanation Management of femoral head fracture by Ganz surgical dislocation of the hiphttps://jorthoptraumatol.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s10195-022-00643-w It makes better sense, the FH is a fracture fixation…though it doesn’t look terribly fixed in my case I have no way of knowing if there was pre-op DJD….at this point, fracture healing seems irrelevant
Post Op Hip pain 53F surgery 6 months ago XR What do you think? Read More »
Dear OCAD friends. I did not receive any explanation for my findings, except for a handful who had seen the same type of findings – but did not know why there is so much going on at the anterior distal femur. But today I received this information from Szabolcs – who points to the anastomosis
Busy area in the distal anterior femur Read More »