COMPANION CASES – Quadrilateral Space Syndrome
I found this open access reference for traumatic axillary nerve injury with dislocation Axillary neuropathy.pdf
COMPANION CASES – Quadrilateral Space Syndrome Read More »
I found this open access reference for traumatic axillary nerve injury with dislocation Axillary neuropathy.pdf
COMPANION CASES – Quadrilateral Space Syndrome Read More »
There is a posteroinferior labral tear 6-8:00 that communicates with a large inferior paralabral cyst which courses through the Quadrilateral space where it compresses the axillary nerve. Paralabral cyst is the most common identifiable mass to cause quadrilateral space syndrome; most often there is no identifiable mass and fibrous bands are implicated. There is selective
61F neuropathic shoulder pain MRI Read More »
I would greatly appreciate input on this case which appears to have nonspecific findings. 23 year old female patient with painless swelling of her index finger tip. No history of trauma or laceration. Fellow university students noticed that her fingertip looked thicker than the others and she sought medical attention. Some nailbed curvature and swelling
23 year old female patient with painless fingertip swelling. Read More »
Hello, Ocaders! I just want to share this very interesting case with you. It was presented at one of our online meetings (sports imaging session) a few springs ago. Enjoy and have a great weekend! Rodrigo Humeral stress reaction tennis player.pdf
Humeral stress reaction (and fracture) in a tennis player Read More »
Has anyone seen this before? High signal seems to be throughout the subcortical bone only deep to subcortical bone. The only history I have is chronic pain. This is a 71 year male patient. Thanks so much
One final comment re this case. Bhavin commented: The classic definition of CNO is the 9-14 years age-range. But since CRMO, SAPHO are all in the end non-bacterial osteitis, it just makes sense to bring them all under the umbrella term and then assume that within CNO there are subtypes or different phenotypes. I guess
47M chronic left clavicle pain and swelling MRI, CT, TBBS Read More »
Hi OCAD, Good day to all. I would like to check what is the standard of practise for measurement of bone loss (best fit circle)? Is it by using (0.83 x D)- d or d/D x 100 = % (D is total horizontal measurement from anterior border to posterior border of glenoid. d is glenoid
Hello everyoneCould use some inputs into this case. The supraspinatus fibres seem to separate and close to the insertion with some fibres appearing to blend with the coraco-acromial ligament. Can’t see the usual aponeurotic expansion in relation to LHBT on axial images. Is this some other type of aponeurotic expansion? what to call this? Please
30 yr male with shoulder pain, need help with this strange looking supraspinatus tendon Read More »