incidental bone lesion

More responses advocating biopsy. Wide range of opinions, with responses of benign nonaggressive, benign aggressive, and worried about malignancy. Again, this was completely incidental with no attributable symptoms. Would not have known this lesion existed in its current state, if the patient did not break her elbow. I never planned to ignore this lesion. Wavered


incidental bone lesion Read More »

Never seen this before OCAD installment number (what is it now, 15 or so?)

30yoM status post twisting injury. Difficulty with hip flexion and internal rotation. Rule Out psoas tendon tear. I can see why the clinician thought it would be a psoas tear. When I saw the history before seeing the images I figured the patient would be at least 80+ years old as the only psoas tears


Never seen this before OCAD installment number (what is it now, 15 or so?) Read More »

21F knee CT, incidental epiphyseal bone in bone appearance, please help

Bill Morrison wrote: I believe that finding (and occasionally a ‘paget-like’ trabecular pattern) are related to a period of immobilization during skeletal development.Don Resnick wrote: Growth recovery lines. That settles it. Thank you. I know I posted something very similar a long while back, but I can’t find it….I seem to recall that the previous


21F knee CT, incidental epiphyseal bone in bone appearance, please help Read More »

16M pain 2 months after soccer injury, Knee MRI, please help

There is no bone injury, cruciate ligament injury or meniscal tear. Fluid is localized to the inferior lateral meniscocapsular recess. I think there is a subacute Anterior Lateral Ligament tear….do you agree? I don’t recall seeing an isolated ALL tear. Would this be debrided or repaired? Or will it be treated conservatively so long as


16M pain 2 months after soccer injury, Knee MRI, please help Read More »