

Please Help, Peds MSK, Chronic Knee pain 13yr 8month Male, MRI

[image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain (1).jpg] [image: 13yr8mo M chr knee pain.jpg] There is a complete discoid lateral meniscus without an obvious tear The question is about the subchondral signal of the mid to posterior LFC. It seems to extend a bit more anterior than the illustrated cases of normal developmental irregularity of the […]


Please Help, Peds MSK, Chronic Knee pain 13yr 8month Male, MRI Read More »

74M smoker with hx of HTN and Kidney Problems (not specified) referered to evaluation posterior thigh mass, CT

[image: Thigh mass 74M 14474874R.jpg] [image: Thigh mass 74M 14474874R (2).jpg] [image: Thigh mass 74M 14474874R (1).jpg] There is an exophytic mass-like extension of the soft tissues of the posteromedial proximal thigh with obvious skin thickening and infiltration of the subcutaneous fat and ulceration at the caudal aspect of this mass which contains mature ossification.


74M smoker with hx of HTN and Kidney Problems (not specified) referered to evaluation posterior thigh mass, CT Read More »

Help Please. Knee MRI. 48F 1.5months medial pain and swelling, no trauma. DM, kidney disease.

48F hx of Diabetes Mellitus and “Kidney Disease” (not specified) 1.5 months medial pain and swelling, no trauma Obvious smooth erosion with local bright T2 signal in and superficial to erosion and marked reactive BME and soft tissue edema at the posteromedial knee. I don’t see a local calcific deposit (don’t have XR)…dark signal in


Help Please. Knee MRI. 48F 1.5months medial pain and swelling, no trauma. DM, kidney disease. Read More »

Please Help 38F Chronic leg pain not specified, Radiographs

[image: Tibial Sclerosis.jpg] No other imaging or history….no report of previous injury. I don’t think this looks like an old healed fracture. I recall a case I posted some years ago that Don Resnick informed me was Tibial Sclerosis. I found these 2 open access articles bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-020-03758-5 jcorth.com/2016/07/10/intramedullary-osteosclerosis-of-the-tibial-midshaft-in-a-38-year-old-female-a-case-report-with-review-of-literature/ This is a woman….and oddly of the


Please Help 38F Chronic leg pain not specified, Radiographs Read More »