

38M Shoulder MRI 8 months post op, continued pain, “r/o rotator cuff tear”. Please Help.

[image: 38 8mos pain post rule out rct.jpg] This is a 1.2T open MRI. I see that he has had both Remplissage and Latarjet procedures…and pretty sure there’s been biceps tenodesis, but that’s irrelevant here. I think there’s punctate suture or metal artifact around the infraspintus tendon at the site of remplissage…not sure if there […]


38M Shoulder MRI 8 months post op, continued pain, “r/o rotator cuff tear”. Please Help. Read More »

An Appeal to Support Patient Care and Logistics in Ukraine please read

I am posting this on behalf of our friend Volker Labczynski, who has done so much for this cause. Dear colleagues and friends! I support a MSK radiologist colleague from Kyiv/Ukraine, her name is Natalia Nehria. She escaped with her 15y old daughter from the war in Ukraine to Berlin in Germany. Her husband, a


An Appeal to Support Patient Care and Logistics in Ukraine please read Read More »

56F follow up DEXA. Treated Hodgkins 2008, premature menopause. Please Help.

[image: image.png] [image: image.png] [image: image.png] From previous imaging history and the Questionnaire I see that she was last treated for Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2008 and reports premature menopause at 41 yo. No mention of hyperparathyroidism. In 2020 her hip and spine measurements were in the Osteopenic range; no forearm DEXA was performed. Spne and


56F follow up DEXA. Treated Hodgkins 2008, premature menopause. Please Help. Read More »

Please Help. 37F recent shoulder pain, XR and MRI

[image: 37F 1wk shoulder pain.jpg] Arrow points to subcortical cystlike / or erosive change deep to the supraspinatus insertion…which is virtually diagnostic for tendinosis, with or without tear [image: 37F 1wk shoulder pain (1).jpg] Often we don’t have comparison XRs. On MRI, I’m finding it difficult to know if the bright PDFS signal is in


Please Help. 37F recent shoulder pain, XR and MRI Read More »

9yr 7m boy falling off growth curve, Bone Age Hand XR, please help

[image: Bone Age XR.jpg] Despite the modeling disturbances I estimate the bone age is normal. I need help with the XR findings. Bones appear demineralized with undertubulation of the metacarpals. There are broad dense bands of metaphyseal sclerosis at the distal radius and ulna only, with relative widening of the distal ulnar growth plate and


9yr 7m boy falling off growth curve, Bone Age Hand XR, please help Read More »

31M 1 week after sports injury, ACL recon 12 years ago. Please Help. MRI.

[image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago.jpg] I rarely find these Obl Cor T2 images through the ACL useful, but I think the graft looks intact in this series [image: 31M sports injury 1 week ACL recon 12yrs ago (1).jpg] There are acute lateral compartment translational bone contusions with cartilage loss at


31M 1 week after sports injury, ACL recon 12 years ago. Please Help. MRI. Read More »