

Anatomy Question, Ankle , Subtalar Joint and FHL tendon sheath

Long ago I previously asked this question and understand that prior publications indicated that the Ankle joint communicates with the FHL tendon sheath—-so that commensurate fluid in the ankle and FHL sheath are simply a function of normal communication. BUT I repeatedly find fluid in the subtalar joint and FHL sheath in the absence of […]


Anatomy Question, Ankle , Subtalar Joint and FHL tendon sheath Read More »

Fwd: Next OCAD Lecture this Thursday 11AM EDT, Rheumatology, Dr. Shojania from Vancouver, BC

About to start soon….Join Us….I’m sure this is going to be good ———- Forwarded message ——— From: ‘Darra Murphy’ via OCAD MSK Date: Wed, May 19, 2021 at 4:16 PM Subject: Re: Next OCAD Lecture this Thursday 11AM EDT, Rheumatology, Dr. Shojania from Vancouver, BC To: Last reminder for tomorrow morning’s OCAD lecture. As always


Fwd: Next OCAD Lecture this Thursday 11AM EDT, Rheumatology, Dr. Shojania from Vancouver, BC Read More »

Incidental Femur Lesion on XR in 38M 20+ years pain, XR and MRI, Please Help

[image: 1.jpg] [image: 2.jpg] [image: 3.jpg] [image: 4.jpg] The XR was reported (not by me) as suggested of Pagets. I don’t think this is Pagets and the MRI does not support that….would be exceptional in a 38 year old….especially these days as Pagets is less common than it used to be (do we know why


Incidental Femur Lesion on XR in 38M 20+ years pain, XR and MRI, Please Help Read More »

Consider Attending a Webinar today at 6PM EDT / 7PM BRT Umans (that’s me) and Nery

Hosted by OCADer Lucas da Gama Lobo I will join my good friend Caio Nery in a case discussion with review of imaging and surgical management on the topic of Metatarsalgia. Hospital Aliança Rede D`or São Luiz, Brazil, invites you to join their Webinar, Today 07 PM BRT (6PM EDT). ***I do not yet know


Consider Attending a Webinar today at 6PM EDT / 7PM BRT Umans (that’s me) and Nery Read More »

Clinically suspect Achilles Tendonitis, MRI, Please Help

43F with more impressive looking PTT tenosynovitis and tendinosis, but only complaints in the Achilles region. There is mild insertional tendinosis without tear and mild edema of the peritenon and minimal retrocalcaneal bursal inflammation. My question is about the edema like signal along the posterior calcaneum. Is this “enthesitis”? Almost looks like apophysitis…except that she’s


Clinically suspect Achilles Tendonitis, MRI, Please Help Read More »

Hand and Wrist MRI to evaluate Possible Ulnar Artery Thrombosus Please Help

45M fell on ice 1.5 months ago. Suspicion of possible Ulnar A thrombosis raised on prior non contrast wrist MRI. MR angiogram was recommended, but MRI of the wrist and hand done with and without contrast was done instead.[image: Guyon Canal 45M fell 1.5mos ago poss ulnar a thromb prior MRi.jpg] [image: Guyon Canal 45M


Hand and Wrist MRI to evaluate Possible Ulnar Artery Thrombosus Please Help Read More »